Saturday, May 1, 2010

7 Months Old Today!

Ok, so I am just as bad of a blogger as I thought I would be! Ha!! I CANNOT keep up with this thing! I think about doing it all the time, especially when I read all my other friends' lovely posts. I wish I could do it, but lately I just haven't seemed to have the energy to actually formulate sentences and type them out. Seems silly, but that's the truth!

Our baby girl, Aliyah Nicole, is 7 MONTHS OLD TODAY! And it's like she knew this, and wanted me to wake up early with her to celebrate! (Lets just say, it wouldn't be out of character for her to do so, that's for sure!) So that is exactly what we are doing. She's sitting so nicely over in front of the TV, celebrating with a little Baby Einstein (DVD) and a few of her favorite toys. I'm celebrating over here by the computer, with my warm cup of coffee and all of you guys!:)

She is such a joy. These 7 months have flown by. For me to actually explain in detail and write out what this baby girl is actually like, it would take more effort than just formulating a few sentences and typing them out, which we all know is difficult enough for me as it is. It would take paragraphs, books, series, etc.....!!!! SHE IS LIKE NOTHING I'VE EVER SEEN OR EXPERIENCED!

Aliyah, you are a handful! But more than a handful, you are truly the happiest, most joyful little creature I've ever seen on this earth. Nothing and no one, makes me laugh as hard as I have with you.

As I type this out, she is over having a great big laugh with the puppets from Baby Einstein. And when not laughing and thinking they're just hilarious, she's babbling away at them. It goes something like this....

"A - DAAAAAA - A - DAAAAAAA - NANA - hahahahah - A - DAAAAAAAAA - AHHHHHH (*an excited, very high pitched, scream*) - hahahahha - A - DAA - DADA AHHHHHHHHHHHHH DADA - hahahahah "

6 months was a big month in this home. We had a few pretty big milestones.

One, (and MOST importantly) was that Aliyah started sleeping through the night!!! YAY! Way, way, WAY later than I had wanted her to....but oh well! We did have a pretty big move at the 3 and 4 month mark, so I blame that! Haha! So yes, thanks to maybe mashed potatoes and/or her little pink elephant blankie, or just maybe the fact that it was way OVERDUE, she is now sleeping so lovely - about 11-12 hours a night. What a wonderful and beautiful month it has been!!

Secondly, she started to sit on her own. This has made my life about a thousand times easier. I can sit her down now whenever I need to, and she is perfectly fine and stable. No wobbling or falling over to the side. Praise the Lord!!! I waited for this moment for what seemed like an eternity! (Again, you'd have to know HER to understand, why this moment would be so special!) Thank you 6 months!

Lastly, 6 months brought not just one, but TWO little teeth! Within a few days, she got both of her lower left and right, central incisors. In normal human language, her bottom front two teeth! Yay!

Two days ago she had her 7 month check up. Apart from being a great appointment because all is well, and Aliyah is a healthy girl, it was a FANTASTIC appointment because Aliyah made it SO funny. I'm not sure exactly what was running through her head, or where it was she thought we brought her to...but from the second the Dr. walked into the office, she seemed to think it was one big joke on her. One big play/tickle session. The check-up lasted about 15-20 minutes, and from start to finish, she was all giggles! The Dr. couldn't even look at her or talk to her, MUCH LESS lay a hand on her, without her laughing and laughing. Anyway, I could hardly pay attention to the actual check-up and what was going on, because we were so distracted by Aliyah's happiness! It was the most fun I have had watching her, ever.

She weighed 19 lbs 12 oz, which means we only gained 12 oz this month! Finally plateauing! Hurray! I said, "Wow, not even a pound this month!??!" The Dr. replied, "Did you really expect her to gain ANY weight at all being THIS active?" :) She's non-stop. She measured almost 28 inches long. She seems to be doing just wonderfully! So, like usual, we were in and out of there, thankful to the Lord for our healthy baby girl!

As for us, we are slowly but surely getting settled. Our house is verrrrryyyyy slowly filling up. Yesterday we actually had a man come to take measurements of some furniture we will be getting made. Yay! Very excited about that. We "ordered" a TV/Entertainment center, a desk, and are having two little end tables re-finished. So in about a month or so, the living room should look a little more complete.

Life is busy. It would take a whole other post to tell you about all that's been going on. We're just thankful and excited about the things God is doing! Please continue to pray for us always! :) Love you all!

Realistically speaking, I will probably not write again until the 9 or 10 month mark!:)