Not too much to report on. They took my blood pressure and weighed me, like usual. Everything's fine. (I had gained 6 lb since my last appointment - which puts me at a whopping 15 lb weight gain so far!!!!! Dr. Zuckerman said it's fine and that I'm doing well. So I guess that made me feel a little better. Shocking for me. Let me tell you. I almost pass out everytime I step on that scale!!!) Anyway, then he came in to measure me/baby, and to hear the heartbeat. The Dr. couldn't believe how much she was moving. I was laying there, and he was watching her bounce up and down through my skin...and when he tried to listen to the heartbeat, she kept kicking the doppler! :) Well, more like a body nudge then a kick. Anywho, the Dr. said those were some big movements for 23 weeks...but I measured normal, so doesn't mean anything yet! :( I'm so hoping that at appointments to come, he'll tell me I'm measuring farther along then we thought, so that we can push that due date up some!!!! :)
It's been a good week for me and Albert - we've seen answered prayers! God continues to show us His faithfulness and love, over and over again. Thank you Lord! We serve an AWESOME and FAITHFUL GOD!
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