Thursday, August 20, 2009

33 1/2 Weeks

SO - after far too many weeks, I finally got in to my Dr.'s office yesterday! Poor Dr. Zuckerman is still out on leave. :( Apparently he had surgery on Tuesday. Hopefully that means that whatever it was that he had or has, was able to be treated or "fixed" with the surgery. They said that they're hoping he'll be back by next week. If not then, the week after.

They had a lady-doctor fill in for him. Her name was Dr. Odom. She was very kind, so that made for a nice experience! Just had the usual things done, and everything looked great. I already go every week from here on out. I'll have an ultrasound in the next week or so, and then it's really the very last stretch!!

Weeks are FLYING by, and soon she'll be here!!! As excited as we both are to welcome her into our family and home, we are definitely taking advantage of and enjoying our last moments of it just being "the two of us." We are staying home together, A LOT. Relaxing, A LOT. Cuddling, A LOT. Sleeping in, A LOT. Simply just enjoying each other! We have SO thoroughly enjoyed our almost-four-years of marriage, and it just being "us." We talk about how it definitely will be a shocker to have this little one here to stay - but we can't wait! :) We thank the Lord each day for giving us each other, and for giving us this little one to add to our little circle of love! We are so thankful for the bestest of years that we've had, and the best that are yet to come!!! :)


luvmyfam said...

Awww... I remember those count down days and will never forget them. Such a special time. I'm glad you're making the most of it.

Grace said...

Such a sweet blog Allison, I can't wait until she gets here! She'll be beautiful!!!!