Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Two Months old, Holidays, and Changes All Around...

Yesterday Aliyah turned 2 months old! To celebrate, she had her two month doctor's appointment! :) Along with that joyous occasion came her first round of shots. She did super. She always does really well for the Doctor and I always leave feeling very proud of my brave little one! :) She cried when she got her shots (all 3 of them), but it didn't last long. We made sure to have Motrin and a nice yummy bottle all made up and ready for her, for when she was through. She then slept most of the day. When she woke up in the afternoon, she was very mushy and emotional and wanted only to be held. So she basically spent the rest of the day in one of our arms, body limp, and feeling very tired and out of it! I think she just wanted an extra dose of love - and I don't blame her, I'm that way ALL the time! :) We gave her one more round of Motrin in the evening, and she went down around her normal time, 10 pm. She woke up just fine this morning! So all the hype of that is over! :)

So besides the shots, it was just a regular check up. She weighs 12 lb 7 oz (88th percentile, WOW!), and is measuring 22.25 in long (47th percentile). She has doubled her weight since she was born. Pretty crazy to think about the tiny little thing we brought home from the hospital at 6 small lbs! :) She is definitely not that tiny little thing anymore! :)

Besides growing in chunkiness, she's also growing in every other area. She grows smarter, stronger, more playful, and of course cuter, with every passing day! :) Smiling seems to be her new favorite thing. She started at the beginning of November...but now it's almost a constant! She smiles whenever we talk to her. Her favorite time of the day seems to be the morning, and they too, have become one of the major highlights of my days! One of us goes to get her from the crib, and from the minute we pick her up, she's ALL smiles! We then bring her back to our bed and hang out with her for a good half hour or so, and she completely entertains us with her smiles and giggles. It is SO cute! I feel like taking video of her EVERY single morning! It's so fun. She's also all about standing now. She has the strongest little legs ever! We stand her up on our laps, and she can stay standing for a good five minutes straight, while all we really do is keep our hands under her arms to keep her balanced. I'm amazed at the strength in her legs!!! She likes to pretend she's a big girl already! :) Awww.....

So that's all the Aliyah news I guess there really is. She's overall doing great. Sleeps well, eats well, poops well. What more can you really ask for in a baby? :) The soft cheeks that I spend the day kissing away, is an added bonus I suppose! :) But most of all, she's healthy and content - so we're thanking the Lord for that!!!

HOLIDAYS........ I can't even BELIEVE they're here again already!!! This year FLEW by! I love this time of the year. Christmas music, lights, gingerbread scented candles, cinnamon scented pine cones, trees, and even the cool (but not yet frigid) air, it all makes me SO happy!

Thanksgiving was great. We spent the day with our friends Pete and Jess. Actually, Aliyah had her very first sleep over. We went over on Wednesday night, and spent the night there in order to wake up on Thanksgiving day to relax in our PJ's and to get an early start on the cooking. It was just the four of us (plus Aliyah, who slept through dinner)...but we made enough food for about 25! Haha! It was a lot of fun and the food was great. Later that evening we went over to Anthony and Camille's house. They had their families over, and we joined them for dessert and just a nice relaxing evening. It was overall a wonderful day. We couldn't have asked for more, as we felt so thankful and blessed to have spent the day surrounded by our dearest friends, who in reality, have been more like family to us over the years.

The festivities didn't end that day though!

Friday we spent the day relaxing at home (which was SO needed)! It was a cloudy and cold day, so we made a fire, watched movies, ordered Chinese food, and basically spent the whole day lounging around on the couch. I LOVE THOSE DAYS!!

Saturday we went to one of my favorite places - Butler's Orchard! We go there a couple times a year, either to pick raspberries, apples, strawberries, or at Christmas time, a Christmas tree! This year we won't be getting a Christmas tree (for reasons that will follow below.....), but we went with the Strickland's (who also didn't get a tree this year, as they will be spending Christmas down in Guate) and the Deleon's. We basically all went to watch the Deleon's cut down their tree, so that we could get into the Christmas spirit, and at least get a few pictures at the orchard with Aliyah! Well, Aliyah slept through the whole thing, but it was a very fun afternoon, and we of course, always love to snap pictures of our little Sofi muffin (who is now 10 months old and cuter than EVER!). She's such a joy to be around - we love her so much.

Not that this has ANYTHING to do with the holidays, but the fun continued on through Sunday, as Aliyah experienced her first "Clasico." Barca vs Madrid. We spent the whole afternoon/evening at the Strickland's for that event. Aliyah matched her Daddy, all decked out in her Barca ware. They both looked adorable...and she must have been a little good luck charm, because Barcelona won! :) Yay!

CHANGES,, CHANGES, CHANGES.......So now you may ask...why no Christmas tree?! Where will we be this Christmas season? The answer...we'll be here. But our house will be in boxes, because this is our last month in our condo. December 31st we will be moving out, and at the beginning of January, we will be moving to Guatemala.

Yes, you read correctly, GUATEMALA!

I know, it's been years since we lived there!!! Trust me, I'm still trying to get used to saying it and wrapping the thought around my brain! :) It would take me a very long time to explain all the details behind the move, and why we came to this decision.... But we're trusting God that this is the right thing for us for now. We're not sure what He has for us in the future, but we're taking this one, very small step now. It is extremely sad and painful for us to think of all that we will be leaving behind. We have formed an entire life here...and not just any life, but a life that we absolutely LOVE! We've spent our four years of marriage building and equipping a home together and it'll be very tough to let go of our belongings, literally our entire "home." More than that though, we are surrounded by the bestest of friends we could ask for...and I couldn't even begin to tell you how extremely difficult the goodbye's will be, and the thought itself is, of a life without all of them. But again, we're trusting God for His best for us. Furniture and objects are all things that are easily replaced, and we know that in the larger scheme of life, they're not things that matter at all. All of that will one day pass away anyway. And friends will always stay friends. They all will be in our life forever....we'll just be separated by distance for a while. Goodbyes are never forever, especially when aside from being friends, we're also all brothers and sisters in Christ!

So Guate it is! We're looking forward to seeing all of our friends down there, and to be near Beto's family! They all (besides his Mom) will also be meeting Aliyah for the first time, so we're VERY excited about that!!! :)

January is going to come very quickly, and I have about a million and one things to do before then. Please pray for us this month as we scramble and get ready for a gigantic move and ginormously huge changes! :)

I will try to do better with posting more frequently....I've been a terrible blogger lately! :)

Love to you all and happpppy holidays!!!!!!


Ashia said...

omg... my heart must have skipped like 5 beats when i read your post! AGH!!!! i am SOOOOOOOOOOO sad, but very happy for you guys all at the same time. you will be with your families, and you're "home!" PLEASE promise that we will keep in touch!! love you!!!!

Lisa & Ryan said...

awww... babe I am so sad! I envisioned myself moving to DC one day and having you there!!! But I am so excited for your guys and this new opportunity. When do you leave exactly? I'm going to be in Guate from Dec. 25-Jan 4th. Love you!

Joy said...

You know I'm really happy you get to be close to family again... but super sad because you'll be far from me!!! I love you all and am going to miss you terribly :(
Love and prayers go with you for the next exciting adventure <3