Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Ok, so today I am 37 weeks! Woohoo! We made it full-term already. Now, we're basically ok with her coming any time from now until whenever! :) (Again, hopefully sooner rather than later! We'll see!)

We spent the weekend painting her room (FINALLY), and fixing things up a bit. It's not completely finished yet - but we made lots of progress! Most importantly, her walls aren't blue anymore - MUCH to my relief! :) We're ordering her crib this week (kind of late, I know), so we should have it soon. Once we get that thing in there, the room will look much better.

What else? Oh yes! Mom comes on Sunday! I am very excited about that! It will be great to have the extra support and help around the house! (Not that Beto isn't doing a phenomenal job, my Mom will just do better! Lol!) :)

Here are some recent pictures I have taken of some of her things (a closet update), and of us working on the room...

Got the adapter for the car seat to attach to my stroller...so that's all ready to go! :)

This is a picture of her closet, post-baby shower! We were so blessed!

Painting over her blue walls!!

I must have been being bossy to get a look like that! Ha!!!

Her bugaboo. Bassinet is all ready for her!

Her bag is packed and ready to go, along with her car seat!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

It looks like you guys are ready to go! I love the green colour!