Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's Friday, and I STILL Have a Baby in my Belly!!!

So I was definitely thinking that this week would be the week we would meet our little Aliyah. The week is RUNNING OUT THOUGH! :(

I had a Dr. appointment on Wednesday morning. Dr. Odum said that things looked like they were moving along, so she wanted to give Little a few more days to come on her own, before inducing. So, that's what we're doing....waiting to see if she'll make an appearance on her own! I feel kind of flustered because, again, Dr. Odum warned me of my "tiny pelvis" (she also explained it for the first time to Beto, since he was able to come with me this time), and the probability being very small of me being able to deliver a "larger" baby through my "tiny pelvis." She even mentioned the dreaded idea of a C-Section, saying that if the baby ends up being too big, that's how she'll have to be delivered! UGH! :( So, needless to say, knowing that she's growing bigger and bigger with each day that passes by, I grow more and more anxious/worried! Oh well. I know that it's all in God's hands and He has the perfect time and way for her to make her way into this world! Of course, I'm just thinking of all the what-if's! We're trusting God for His best though, and know His will WILL be done!

My mom arrived on Sunday night. We've been going-going ever since she got here! She's of course so thankful that she made it before the baby came, now it's just a matter of getting the baby out! She's having me try all the tricks in the book! We've been on our feet constantly, gone on many walks, and even JOGGED by the lake! I'm pretty sure that Aliyah will come when she's ready, and apparently she's just not ready yet! Anyway, my mom is so EXCITED and anxiously awaiting (as are the rest of us) the arrival of her first grand-baby! My dad arrives tomorrow night, so maybe she's waiting on him to get here? Who knows!

COME OUT ALREADY LITTLE ONE! We're all ready for you! xo

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