Monday, November 2, 2009

A Few More Updates and Fun With Friends...

Now that I was able to share the good news about poopy diapers, I figure I can get back to blogging about normal things.

So, changes...let's see?

Aliyah is doing awesome still! She definitely is changing a little more everyday - in looks/chunkiness, habits, etc. I love that she's one month now...only 11 more months until my favorite stage starts! Ha! :) (Not that I'm counting down or anything!) ;)

Aliyah...I'm going to LOVE every stage with you (I just secretly have my favorites, that's all!) :)

She still loves to eat like it's nobody's business. We're ALMOST, sort-of learning that to be awake, does NOT mean the same thing as hunger. Ha! She is slowing realizing that having her eyes open, isn't supposed to be code for, feed me! She still eats a ton though. On the weekend, I started giving her SIX OUNCE bottles! To some, that may not mean anything, but trust me, for a tiny little thing like her, that is A LOT! Anyway, eating department basically hasn't changed. She loves to eat, all the time.

She does SO well when we're out! Thankfully so, because we're out A LOT! This is something we really wanted her to learn early. We needed her to be ok while being out, because we did NOT want to cut back on being out! :) (Sorry for going way overboard on the word "out") She was either going to have to like it, or just learn to roll with the punches, even if she hated it. Ha. Don't get me wrong, she's not in love with her car seat or anything, and still will get upset having to be in it sometimes. But for the most part, she does awesome. She can sit a whole car ride, staring around, while staying very content. Most times, she falls asleep. And by the way, those sleeps are my favorite...if she falls asleep in the car, I can count on her being COMPLETELY zonked out for a good 2-3 hours plus. Those are probably her most solid naps. Occasionally, she'll hate being in her car seat - but that usually means she's hungry or overly tired. Then of course she just cries it out, and THEN falls asleep! :)

Let's see, what else is new? She's sleeping in her crib now like a big girl! I was basically waiting for all our guests to leave before starting her in her crib. I wasn't sure how it would go, and thought it would be best to keep her in her bassinet in our room while having people in the house. That way, if she cried, I could tend to her quickly before waking everyone up! Her first night in the crib was last Wednesday. So far, so good! :) I thought I would be sad to have her so far away (her room is complete opposite side of the apartment), but that's not been the case at all! Ha! I sleep like a baby, Beto sleeps like a baby, and Aliyah, well, she is a baby, and sleeps like one! :)

Last night was one of our best nights yet! She went to bed around 11 pm. Woke up at 3:15 am (her normal time). Usually when she wakes up in the night, she's not awake at all - just hungry. So usually I feed her and she goes right back down. Last night, however, she was so WIDE AWAKE, and I was SO NOT WIDE-AWAKE! (we had had a little bit of a rough morning the day before, with daylight savings, so I guess I was not recovered from that yet!) Anyway, I was too tired to be up with her. So I fed her, changed her and just layed her back in her crib and went back to bed. Haha! Sounds cruel, I know. I have the monitor though, so I could still see and hear her. I expected her to be very upset with me, and just cry. And I was totally prepared to let her cry for a bit, let her get sleepy while doing so! Well, turns out, she didn't cry at all! She layed there for a good 20 minutes, totally wide-eyed, and then fell asleep on her own. AWESOME! Then, even better. She didn't wake up at her normal time (5:30, 6ish). She slept all the way til 7:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for that! Awesome night.

Another great thing to report - she hardly cries at all now for baths! I think she actually enjoys them now. I bathe her at night, right before going to bed. She must love the soothing warm water at that time of night. I know I would. Babies have it good, let me tell you.

I could write umpteen dozen other things about Aliyah's progess and the new things she does....but I'll save you all the boredom of my rambling.

Lastly, just a few pictures to share of fun times with friends.....

Sofi with the silly boys... She seemed to be ok with Superman (although somewhat unsure). But she didn't take to Bill Clinton in the Ghost Buster suit AT ALL! Lol!!!

Sofi giving Aliyah a kiss :)

Aliyah with Aunt Kristin and Unkini

Sof was a lady bug, for a couple of minutes! :) She then proceeded to yank off the antennas! :) Love this little Sof-Bug

Hanging out in Sof's play room

Sof, learning to be "gentle" with Aliyah :)

Aliyah meeting Grace for the first time :)

Normal Sunday afternoon, hanging out at the Gillotts'

Learning to dance with Aunt Jessie

1 comment:

Ashia said...

i'm so glad she's pooping normally! i bet that was scary for you guys! i know i was scared when austin didn't poop for a while in the hospital, and that was just the first week! i can't imagine a month! i'm thinking after reading your posts that maybe i should start doing bath time at night. i've been doing it after mine in the mornings when we're getting ready for the day. but maybe that would help her to relax better. sounds like she's doing great with her sleeping and eating! i'm so glad! i had to laugh when i read how much she is taking in formula! wow! that is hilarious! we ARE gonna have some chunky monkeys!