Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Another Dr. Appointment...

So today I had my monthly check-up. Believe it or not, from now on I will be going every two weeks!! Ugh - time is FLYING! I don't feel pregnant enough to go to the Dr. that often! :) Oh well. So that's that. At our next appointment we're having another ultrasound done, so we should get some comfirmation on whether it truly is a little girl like we think and are preparing for :) We'll see! Ha!

They tested me for gestational diabetes today too. Basically you have to drink this really sweet orange soda-like drink 45 min before going in, and then they take your blood. I get the results tomorrow. So hopefully everything is ok...I'm sure it will be!

Besides that, not much to report on the pregnancy. The past couple of days, I've felt like she's been sitting really really low - so it's been pretty uncomfortable....but not unbearable. I've been going to the pool to swim. Oh, and our new condo has a treadmill (the owners left it for us to use)! :) Yay! So I've walked a few times too since moving in. I plan on using it everyday if I can. We'll see how that goes.

K, well I suppose that's all for now!

1 comment:

Ashia said...

babes! send me your new address if you think about it sometime. i have to do the glucose thing too by my next appointment, which is within the next 3 weeks. =( WAAAAHHH, i don't want to. =( i'm so sick of them taking blood! does it not bother you?!